Stop the installation of a 70-foot cross atop the hills above Leavenworth.

What Is This?

We're organizing opposition to the installation of prominent structures that do not meet County and State regulations on the hills and mountains above Leavenworth, WA.

A group called Upper Valley Cross began erecting a 70 foot cross on Tumwater mountain with plans to have it lit up at night. This work began without a permit and is taking place on property that is completely surrounded by forest service (public) lands. The project poses several substantial threats to the way of life of the people and nature in the Upper Wenatchee Valley.

The after-the-fact-permit application now appears to be on the verge of approval by Chelan County and unless we make the will of the majority of residents known, this project could continue unabated.

What's at Stake

A giant, lighted sign atop our local hilltops will have the following effects to our human and non-human residents:

  • The project does not meet Chelan County Zoning Code, however the County is making an exception by even considering it. If they issue this building permit it could open the door for other undesirable developments in the County.
  • It will diminish the natural beauty of the valley
  • It will increase fire risk as there will be electricity generation and increased lighting strike danger in a difficult to reach area
  • An additional source of light pollution of the night sky, robbing us of our night sky heritage
  • Could adversely affect migrating birds and other animals
  • The cross would be visible from numerous points along SR 2 which are included in the State-designated scenic Cascade Loop Byway.
  • Even though it is just outside city limits, the cross will be visible from the entire valley, and would violate Leavenworth's code LMC 14.28.010 (if it were in the city limits) aimed at maintaining the rural character of the area and limiting light pollution.
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